Chad "
OchoCinco" Johnson, as most people know recently acquired a show with VH1, "The Ultimate Catch". The first show launched Sunday, and it left a bad taste in some black women's mouth because he only chose 2 black women to participate on the show. Later in his Essence article, he says, "I doesn't understand why" they're upset.
My issue is not the fact that he did not choose more Black women but it's about how he handled addressing the issue others had with it. For example, Are you surprised that Black women feel the way they do about your show?
OCHOCINCO: I can't do anything about that.
I've never heard other races complaining about their men dating outside of their race besides Black people.
"I've never heard other races complaining about their men dating outside of their race..." negro that's because they're not going to come tell you how they feel about you smashing their are not their race, you
are black! Do not use this as your argument because you cannot validate it! There were once laws that forbid black men from dating white women.
Even though it's not effective today, there are people that harbor the same feelings, regardless of race. Again, it's OKAY if your preference is women of other races but DO NOT attempt to discredit black women for expressing their individual feelings publicly.
Further in the article, he goes on about he cannot appease black women, when it's HIS show! Wow! I'm sure they're not looking to be appeased; however, he should have reviewed the rating reports about who watches this type of show. I have feeling that the numbers would prove women, if not black women, are the number #1 viewers of this tomfoolery! We think it's hilarious but his show will not get good ratings because he's not trying to "
appease" the black women, who could have been his number #1 viewer.
So my point is this, I have no objection to men dating whatever type of woman tickles his fancy.
Ocho is not looking for love, it's about a check and that's okay. Make your money, but do not drag the sisters down because they do not like your preference. I just hate it when athletes let stardom go to their heads! Humble yourself, you can still be great at what you do and not shit on people, excuse my french!
Read the entire article here:
How Chad feels about Black Women